Flowers That Start With F

Here’s a list of flower names that begin with the letter F. With an emphasis on common and easy to grow varieties:

Fairy Duster 

Fairy duster is a low-spreading shrub that is native to deserts and arid grasslands in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and Mexico.

It is a white and purple flower that can range from about 1 inches to 5inches in height.

Fairy duster shrubs tend to bloom during late winter and/or spring then fade in summer.

Fairy Duster (Calliandra Eriophylla)

False Indigo

False Indigo (Baptisia alba) is a herbaceous plant that is native to central and eastern North America.

It belongs to the Fabaceae family and is an excellent dye plant.

It can reach up to 1m in height and its spreading growth allows it to form large colonies.

The name False Indigo is due to the color of its leaves, which depend on the soil type; the more clay present in the soil, the richer they will be in blue pigments.

False indigo (Baptisia alba)

False Rue Anemone

The False Rue Anemone flower, is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world.

It is a bulb flower and originates from South Africa. False Rue Anemone flowers are approximately 50cm tall and 15 cm across, with olive-green leaves that wrap around its stem as it sprouts up.

It has three petals that create a cup-like shape which then opens out into five-pointed stars with deep blue centers.

False Rue Anemone also has tiny round anthers on top of each filament within the bloom’s center.

False Rue Anemone flowers are semi-alive or deciduous meaning they can’t survive long periods without water.

False rue anemone (Enemion biternatum)

Fan Flower

Fan flowers are generally found in North America, more specifically on mountain peaks and wooded areas between 3,000 and 5,000 feet above sea level.

They grow 30 to 60 centimeters in height with large leaves (3-5 cm in length) and oddly-shaped white or purple petals that surround a yellow disc.

Fan flowers can be difficult to grow, however, they make an excellent addition to any garden with their bright colors and unique shape.

Fan flower (Scaevola Aemula)

Fern Leaf Yarrow 

Fern Leaf Yarrow is a perennial, herbaceous plant in the sunflower family. Also known as ‘Dilweed’, Fern Leaf Yarrow has multiple medicinal uses.

The leaves are green with dark, greenish-white veins and the flowers are bright yellow in color.

It can grow up to 5 feet high when it’s mature.

Fern Leaf Yarrow generates many tiny flowers that allow for easy seed dispersal through wind pollination, which makes Fern Leaf Yarrow spread quickly.

These plants are native to the Caucasus, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Fern leaf yarrow (Achillea filipendulina)


A feverfew flower is a yellow daisy-like flower that belongs to the sunflower family. Feverfew flowers are known for their medicinal uses while also being decorative.

It can grow up to one meter tall and typically flowers between May and October.

Feverfew is native to Africa and Eurasia but can now be found in most of the United States.

This plant typically grows near roadsides, fields, pastures, meadows, or yards.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

Fire Pink

Fire pink is a hardy perennial plant that prefers full sun but will tolerate good afternoon shade. The Fire Pink grows 1-2 feet tall and wide.

Fire Pink flowers grow well in dry soils with good drainage, once established they do not need frequent watering, although an occasional summer drink may be beneficial.

Fire Pinks can be propagated by seed or cuttings taken for new plants anytime during the growing season.

Seeds should be sown on top of the soil so you see them germinate at about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius).

Fire Pink flower Fire Pink flowers (Dianthus Fire Pink) are one of the best varieties to attract butterflies and bees.

Fire pink (Silene virginica)

Firecracker Flower

Firecracker Flower (Justicia Rizzinii)


The Fivespot flower is a spring-flowering perennial that thrives in well-drained soil and can be planted as a border around ponds and pools where the flowers will remain undamaged by the water.

The Fivespot plant gets its name from the attractive fritillary-like blooms which come in shades of purple at the edges.

Flame Nettle

Flame Nettle has become an increasingly popular ornamental plant for its unique leaves and flame-like petals.

Flame Nettle requires full sunlight and moderate water conditions.

Flame nettle will grow well indoors if adequate light is provided by artificial lightings such as fluorescent lamps or natural light from windows.

This plant can reach heights of up to 20 feet; however, it may only attain 8 feet at maturity indoors under optimal care.

Flame nettle (Solenostemon or Coleus)

Flannel Flower

Flannel Flower (also known as Flannel Bush and Flannel-bush) is a flowering shrub that can be found throughout parts of North America.

Flannel flowers grow low to the ground and have hairy leaves and stems.

They bloom during the late summer and early fall months, but their appearance changes color depending on the time of year it is viewed.

During the early spring months, flannel flowers will appear yellow with five petals per bloom; while during autumn months, flannel flowers will change color to white with four larger petals per bloom.

Flannel Flower. (Actinotus helianthi). Australian Native.

Flax Flower

The Flax Flower plant (scientific name: Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the Flax family, which also includes Flax and Flax Seed plants.

Flax Flower plants produce clusters of numerous tiny flowers that each only last for one day.

These flowers are usually bright blue in color, but white Flax flower plants can also be found.

Flax Flower plants typically grow anywhere from 1 foot to 5 feet tall and wide depending on species and cultivar planted.

They can be grown in full or partial sun and prefer well-drained soil with good fertility and moisture retention.

Flax Flower. (Linseed).

Floss Flower

Floss Flower is a perennial that belongs to the family Asteraceae. The blooming period is approximately from July to October.

The Floss flower plant can grow up to 10 inches in height and 6-12 inches in width depending on the variety of the plant.

This fragrant herbaceous annual thrives well in full sun exposure, but it appears better when grown under partial shade conditions since bright direct sunlight may cause its leaves to develop brown spots which are harmful to this beautiful plant.

Forget Me Not

The Forget Me Not Flower plant (Myosotis scorpiodes) is a great choice for gardeners who want color and height in their flower arrangements.

Forget me not flowers are available in several colors, including blue, pink, white, and yellow.

Forget-me-nots are perennials so they will return year after year.

Forget-Me-Not / Mycositis
Forget-Me-Not / Mycositis


Forsythia. (Golden Bells).

Four O’clock

Four O’clock flowers are an herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Nyctaginaceae.

Four O’Clock flowers are hardy annuals that come from tropical regions and grow well as houseplants where they bloom all year round.

Four O’Clocks can be grown outdoors during the summer months but will not survive winters in cold climates unless they are moved indoors to a sunroom or greenhouse.

Four O’clock (Mirabilis jalapa)


Foxgloves are perennials; with over one hundred different varieties. As such Foxglove flowers have a wide range of colors and sizes.

They can bloom white, blue, purple, or pink in any combination thereof.

The flowers possess a long tube shape and a fringe composed of narrow petals surrounding them.

Foxgloves can grow to heights ranging from 1-2 feet tall to 4-5 feet tall depending on the type grown.

Foxgloves produce blooms during the months of May through August but sometimes as early as March.



Frangipanis are among the most popular tropical flowers grown in warm climates. They’re easy to grow you can enjoy fragrant blooms all summer long!

The flowers vary in size depending on the type but generally feature bright petals with contrasting centers.

They are resilient – generally doing well in heat, drought, heat, and against insects making them ideal for home gardens and you can even grow them in pots.  

Frangipani. (Plumeria).


The Freesia flower is one of the most floriferous plants.

Its flowers are trumpet-shaped with cone-like shaped bracts.

Freesias are spring-flowering bulbs that have 6 to 12 petals that are spread skywards, giving them a large showy appearance.

The Freesia flowers appear in various colors including white, yellow, and pink, but the purest colored variety is its white Freesias.

Freesia. (Iris Family).

French Marigold

French Marigolds are blooming the world over for their vivid colors of gold, orange and yellow.

Many have adopted this beautiful bright flower into their gardens for its unique ornamental value. They also have medicinal properties that some gardeners have been known to plant them for.

French Marigold. (Tagetes).

Frikart’s Aster

Frikart’s Aster Flower plant is a perennial flower that produces purply-blue flowers with an orange center from July until September.

They do well in the sun or partial shade and like soil that is acidic with around 6.0 pH.

Frikart's Aster (Aster x Frikartii)


Fuchsia. (Lady's Ear Drop).

Fumewort (Corydalis solida)

The fumewort flower plant is a vivid purple flower that has poisonous properties.

A Fumewort Flower can reach up to 15 cm in height, with its petals fluttering down near the center of it all.

The leaves that each Fumewort Flower has are usually 1-3 inches long and oval-shaped, with slightly jagged edges.

Fumewort (Corydalis solida)

Read about some of the best flower delivery services that will bring fresh flowers like the above to your home.