Are Gerberas Poisonous To Cats?

If you already have Gerberas in your garden or are considering introducing them, you may be concerned about whether they are hazardous to cats. So whether they’re your own, your neighbors, or even strays, are cats safe in the presence of Gerberas, or do our beloved Gerberas ultimately threaten to poison them? Well, here is everything you are going to need to know.

So, are Gerberas poisonous to cats? Gerberas are not poisonous to cats. However, whilst the Gerbera technically doesn’t pose a risk, any pesticides or flower food that lay atop it may do, and overeating may cause digestive upset. 

In fact, the ASPCA explicitly states that Gerberas are non-toxic to cats.


But there are some things you will still need to consider.

Keep reading to learn more – from whether a cat would even be enticed to eat your Gerberas in the first place, alongside several easily implementable approaches to deter them from doing so. 

Will Cats Eat Gerberas?

Cats may eat Gerberas if given the opportunity. 

Cats are curious creatures, and they can’t resist sniffing and exploring the world around them.

Unfortunately, this can often lead them to places they shouldn’t go, like the plants in our gardens. 

Whilst it’s unlikely that our scentless Gerbera daisies will be their first choice, they may well munch on them in lieu of alternative food.

What Would Happen To A Cat If They Ate Gerberas?

On the whole, Gerberas are safe for cats. 

Their non-toxic nature means that our cats won’t fall ill if they consume them. 

On the contrary, they’ll continue as normal. 

Of course, there are exceptions. 

If Your Cat Overeats Gerberas

First and foremost, if your cat overeats your Gerberas, it’s only natural and to be expected that they’ll suffer from a degree of gastrointestinal discomfort and will have lower energy levels than usual. 

These symptoms should wear off within a few hours and are nothing to worry about. 

If The Gerberas Are Carrying Pesticides

The real concern is if your Gerberas have flower food or pesticides on them at the time that your cat ate them. 

Both of these pose a risk to your cat’s health. 

Flower food doesn’t contain toxic ingredients but is likely to give your cat a stomach ache that can range from mild to severe depending on how much is eaten. 

On the other hand, the ingestion of toxic and non-organic pesticides can be a pretty serious issue. 

Such pesticides are highly chemical and can cause considerable damage to the health of your cat if consumed, evoking a host of symptoms which can range from seizures to cardiac arrest. 

It’s scary stuff and a reminder that we have to stay on top of which products are used in our gardens. 

The more environmentally friendly, the more peace of mind we’ll have! 

How To Keep Cats Away From Your Gerberas 

Whether you fear that your cat may wind up consuming flower food or pesticides, or you simply don’t wish for your Gerberas to be eaten and without petals during their prime growing season, it’s a good idea to put preventative measures in place. 

Here are some of the most effective ways to keep your cat(s) away from your Gerberas. 

Scent Deterrents

Scent deterrents are commonly put in place by gardeners to ward off pests. 

The same concept applies to your cat’s relationship with plants too. 

Essentially, by placing scents that your cat actively dislikes around your Gerberas, you’ll keep them away from them. 

You can buy said scents in any garden store or quite easily whip up an effective solution from the comfort of your very own home. 

Fortunately, from vinegar to citrus to peppermint and many more, there are several smells that cats can’t stand, so you’ll have plenty of options to pick from. 

Sufficient Alternative Food

Additionally, it’s worth double-checking whether or not you’re feeding your cat enough. 

If you keep its stomach nice and full with the full suite of nutrients and vitamins that it needs, the chances that it will look to your Gerbera for a food fix will decrease significantly. 

Install A Physical Barrier

An effective way to keep your cats away from your Gerberas is to install a physical barrier. 

This could be a fence, a gate, or even a chicken wire border around your flowers. 

Whichever you choose, it’s essential to guarantee that it’s high enough to prevent the cat from entering, bearing in mind that cats are highly skilled climbers. 

Apply Obstacles

Additionally, you could consider placing the likes of gravel or mulch around your Gerberas. 

The texture of these materials is entirely unappealing for your cat, who would rather not walk across rough surfaces. 

As a result, it’ll be likely to avoid the area altogether and leave your Gerberas in peace. 

Monitor Your Cat 

Finally, when your cat heads out to the garden, it’s worth keeping your eye on it to see when and why it heads over to your Gerberas. 

You may find that it’s simply not occupied enough and is doing so out of boredom. 

Only when you know this can you act accordingly and make more effort to play with your cat and keep it mentally and physically stimulated in the process. 

Plus, your presence in the garden means that you’ll also be well placed to manually keep your cat away from your Gerberas. 

Other Suggestions When Keeping Gerberas Around Cats

Contact Your Vet

If your cat has consumed Gerberas and, since it seems to be acting slightly out of character, it may well have consumed chemicals or flower food too. 

In such a case, your best bet is to take your cat straight to the vet for immediate medical support. 

Your well-qualified vet will be able to decipher the state of your cat’s health and any necessary further actions that are required to take. 

Rethink Your Products

For extra peace of mind, it’s best to retire any chemical products that you may use in your garden.

Doing so will reduce the likelihood of ill health for your cat and, more holistically, will benefit the environment too. 

Fortunately, there are several organic and clean products out there, so you won’t need to look very far or hard to find a replacement.