How Long Can Flowers Last In A Vase?

Whether we’re gifted them, buy or pick them for ourselves, there’s not much else that adds vibrance and character to a room than a vase of blooms! Not only are they capable of softening any and every environment, but they’ve also proven to be stress reducers with tangible positive health effects too. You can’t beat them. But how long can you typically expect from them before they wilt and look past their best? Well, here is everything you are going to want to know.

So, how long can flowers last in a vase? The general lifespan for flowers in a vase tends to be around the 8 – 12 day mark. However, there certainly are outliers, and some flowers can last longer or even less than this. A flower’s vase life is determined not just by the variety of flowers but also by the conditions that they’re kept in and the level of care that they’re given. 

So what exactly impacts the longevity of flowers in vases, and how can we make them last longer? I’ve covered it all below. 

Factors That Impact How Long Flowers Will Last In A Vase


The temperature of the room they live in is a big contributor to the lifespan of vase flowers.

Hot temperatures are a no-go.

When the room is too warm, or they’re positioned in direct sunlight or an intense heat for an elongated period, the flowers will struggle to thrive.

They much prefer cooler temperatures, albeit not cold drafts; extreme cold is also problematic.

The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle of the two! 


Cacti aside, most plants and flowers thrive in humid environments.

The moisture in the air keeps the flowers well-hydrated and happy.

For context, it’s unlikely that in their usual states, our homes provide the level of humidity that flowers require to stay at their best. 

So if you notice that your flowers are wilting, drooping, or even donning brown-edged yellow leaves, they could be in need of heightened humidity, and it’s on us to proactively take steps to rectify the environment. 

An easy way to do so is to purchase a humidifier.

They come in a range of shapes and sizes, and you’re sure to come across one in your budget too.

They work by emitting water vapor into the otherwise dry air.

They’ll keep your flowers fresh for longer, do wonders for any other plants you have around, and they’re fantastic for human health too.

I’m personally a huge fan of this one from Amazon.

Another solution is to mist your flowers regularly.

In doing so, you’ll effectively generate humidity around them.

However, it’s important to note that this approach is a temporary one, and you’ll need to respray fairly regularly to retain sufficient moisture levels. 

Water Provisions

The lifespan of your flowers can also be influenced by the temperature of the vase water.

Most gardeners agree that room-temperature water is best.

However, no size fits all, and the truth is that whilst most flowers agree with room temperature water, others, such as tulips, stay fresh for longer in colder water.

In one-off circumstances, such as supremely dehydrated flowers, you might want to opt for warm water.

Water is absorbed quickly and can do wonders as far as salvaging the flowers.

Nonetheless, harsh temperatures should be avoided. Both boiling and freezing water threaten to shock the flowers, resulting in a significantly reduced lifespan.

Avoid Placing Near Fruit

Finally, be sure to avoid placing your flowers in the close vicinity of ripe fruit and vegetables.

It may sound strange, but trust me.

These foods emanate a gas called ethylene, and when flowers come into contact with it, they begin to wilt well before their time. 

Flowers That Typically Last Longer In Vases

You’ll be glad to know that there are several varieties of flowers that, by way of simply being themselves, have a fairly generous vase life.

So the next time you look to replenish your flowers, why not give these ones a try: 


More commonly known as mums, chrysanthemums are renowned for their longer-than-most vase life. Rather than the usual 8 – 12 days, under the right conditions, they can last up to two whole weeks, with the potential for a few additional days on top of that!

Plus, they’re available in so many different shapes and colors that you’re spoiled for choice.

Finally, perhaps the best thing about mums is that they often bloom up until the end of Autumn time.

Thus, you’ll never be without options for a wonderful vase of flowers when the cooler weather starts to set in. 


Lilies can last an impressive two weeks in a vase too.

To ensure this, when selecting your flowers, opt for the lilies that haven’t yet opened.

This will give you the opportunity to observe their blooming process and get the most out of them that you can.

Their large flowers and intensely sweet fragrance are enough to cheer up any environment and for a considerable amount of time too! 

Flowers That Typically Don’t Last Long In Vases

Just as there are flowers that fare well in vases, there are also those that don’t. Here is a couple to be aware of: 


Whether you consider them a weed or not, there is plenty of folk out there who simply adore buttercups.

They choose them for their wedding bouquets and, of course, choose them to adorn the vases in their living rooms too.

They’re bright and vibrant and add a fun touch to any space.

However, as invasive and fast-growing as they are outdoors when buttercups find themselves cut inside and in a vase, they sadly don’t last very long at all.

In fact, it would be surprising if they lasted a day over a week. 


Their distinct shape and low-maintenance nature make these Spring blooms the favorite flower of many.

In our gardens, uncut daffodils are extremely resilient, and it typically takes around three weeks until they begin to wilt and wither away.

However, their resilience indoors couldn’t be more different.

When our beloved daffodils find themselves in a vase, they’re lucky if they can endure a full week. 

How To Ensure Your Flowers Last When Kept In a Vase

Fortunately, there are several ways to elongate the lives of vase flowers. I’ve outlined the most effective of the bunch below. 

Water Provisions

Cut flowers need enough water, and they need it from the moment they’re cut or as soon as you possibly can.

Prioritizing getting them into water is the fundamental first step to potentially increasing their overall vase life. 

But this water won’t suffice for long. You’ll need to change the vase water every couple of days.

It may sound excessive, but it only takes a couple of minutes, if that. The results will be well worth it.

Aesthetically speaking, your flowers will be sat in clean water as opposed to the cloudy variety.

Health-wise, frequent water changes will help to prevent bacteria from clogging up the flower stems.

Instead, the stems will have unrestricted access to clean water – just what they need! 

Remove Old Foliage

When dead leaves fall off the flower and into the vase water, it’s likely that they’ll begin to rot, spread bad bacteria, and ultimately compromise the lifespan of the flowers.

Hence, you’ll need to remove dead foliage from the water as soon as you can, and while you’re at it, you may as well replace the water.

The cleaner the water, the healthier the flower. 

Increased Humidity

As covered above, a humid environment can prevent your flowers from aging too quickly.

The moisture in the air hydrates them. The consequences can only be good! 

Trim The Stems

Don’t forget to trim the stems of your flowers.

Cut them at a 45-degree angle when you first get the flowers, as well as every day or two after that.

The frequent nature of the trimming will keep the stem in good shape and enable them to take in water with ease. 

For best results, trim them by at least half an inch each time. 

Feed Your Flowers

I also recommend feeding your flowers.

You can either pop to the local garden store and buy flower food, or you could make your own – there are plenty of super easy DIY recipes out there!

Either way, your flowers will love you for it.

The food will help your flowers to not just last longer but to bloom to the best of their abilities, and some even work to counteract bacteria in the vase water. It’s a win-win! 

Climate Control

Finally, ensure that the room is not too cold or too hot.

Despite what you may think, a windowsill that gets full sun all day is probably not the best place for your flowers.

Too much heat causes them to age much more quickly than they otherwise would have, which in turn shortens their lifespan significantly.

Similarly, dry and significantly cold conditions can also be problematic.

Most flowers thrive in moderately cool rooms. 

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