What Are White Bluebells Called?

As a lover of all things floral, I find myself constantly exploring the vast world of flowers.

Recently, I stumbled upon a unique type of bluebell; those that are white! But it lead to me questioning, what are white bluebells called?

Today, I’d like to present to you my findings.

What Are White Bluebells Called?

White Bluebells are called Hyacinthoides (full scientific name hyacinthoides non-scripta alba.).

Informally, they go by different names, from “whitebells” to “albino bluebells”.

Personally, I think all of these names have a certain whimsical charm to them. 

In scientific terms, however, white bluebells are known as “hyacinthoides non-scripta alba.” 

The “non-scripta” part of the name refers to the fact that this is the same species as the classic bluebell – it’s just a white variation.

What Causes Bluebells to Turn White? 

In some cases, a white bluebell might simply be a genetic mutation that causes it to produce less pigment. Other times, environmental factors like soil acidity, temperature, or moisture levels can play a role.

For example, bluebells that grow in very alkaline soil may be more likely to produce white flowers. 

Interestingly, white bluebells can also arise as a result of hybridization with other related species of flower, which can introduce new genes and traits.

How Rare Is A White Bluebell?

In some areas, you might be lucky enough to come across a small patch of white bluebells growing among their more common blue counterparts. In other areas, they might be so rare that they’re almost never seen at all. 

One thing is for sure, though – white bluebells are definitely a sight to behold, and a true testament to the incredible diversity and beauty of the natural world.


White bluebells might be a rare sight, but they’re certainly worth seeking out if you have the chance. 

Whether you call them by their scientific name or simply “white bluebells,” there’s no denying the enchanting appeal of these elusive flowers.

So, next time you’re out in the woods or wandering through a garden, keep your eyes peeled for these magical blooms – you never know what you might discover!

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