Are Sweet Peas Poisonous To Dogs?

Could the sweet peas in your garden be poisonous to dogs? Well, it’s an important question to ask. Particularly if you have a dog or two, are looking to get one,

This is also true if you don’t have sweet peas growing in your garden, but you’re considering bringing them in.

For ease, I’ve outlined everything that you need to know below.

So, are sweet peas poisonous to dogs? Sweet peas are poisonous to dogs if consumed. They contain a toxic compound (aminopropionitrile) that is found throughout the plant but particularly in its pod. Consumption can result in gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhea, weakness and lethargy.  

I’ve also outlined a few methods that could help you to keep your dog away from your sweet peas, as well as whether you can expect your dog to be attracted to sweet peas in the first place.

Will Dogs Eat Sweet Peas?

Whilst your dog probably won’t be instinctively drawn to your sweet peas, there’s still a chance that they will consume them if given the opportunity.

This tends to result from grazing out of boredom or snacking for extra fuel.

Additionally, dogs tend to be pretty inquisitive and adventurous creatures, and they’re constantly looking for new and stimulating experiences.

Thus, they may even be drawn to the sweet pea’s unusual texture and even smell.

They may also be curious about its shape or colour, or simply by its presence, particularly if it’s a new addition to your garden.

What Would Happen To A Dog If They Ate Sweet Peas?

Sweet peas contain dangerous toxins, aminopropionitrile, so if a dog eats them, particularly if they eat a lot of them, they can suffer from a variety of health problems.

Symptoms of poisoning can range from mild to severe, depending on the level of toxins consumed.

Mild symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhoea, weakness, and lethargy.

Severe symptoms could include difficulty breathing, tremors and even seizures. Though thankfully, as the Pet Poison Helpline suggests, these symptoms are often experienced through chronic grazing.

In any case, it is important to take your dog to the vet for an examination and treatment, should they be consumed, as the symptoms of sweet pea poisoning have been known to worsen over time.

How To Keep Dogs Away From Your Sweet Peas

Keeping your dog away from your sweet peas is essential for its health.

Here are some approaches that may help:

Install a Physical Barrier

One of the simplest methods is to create a physical barrier between the two.

You could fence off the area around the flower to prevent your dog from getting to it.

Just make sure the fence is tall enough and secure enough that your dog cannot jump over or deconstruct it.

Plus, if your dog is a digger, you may need to line the fence with rocks or other materials to prevent them from digging underneath it.

Scent Deterrents

Scent deterrents are a great way to protect your sweet pea flower from hungry dogs.

There are many different options available, so it’s important to find one that is effective and safe.

Fortunately, there are several smells that dogs find difficult to tolerate.

One of the most popular scent deterrents for dogs is citronella, which is a natural oil with a strong, citrusy scent.

You could even opt for an essential oil blend.

A combination of citronella, lemongrass, and eucalyptus oil is sure to keep your dog away from your sweet peas.

It’s straightforward enough to make a homemade solution, or you could purchase a readymade product from your local pet or garden store.

Whichever you opt for, do ensure that its ingredients are natural and not a danger to the environment.

Finally, it’s important to reapply the scent deterrent regularly in order to prevent the smell from wearing away.

Ensure Your Dog Is Stimulated

The more stimulated your dog is, the less likely they will be to snack on your sweet peas out of boredom.

Fortunately, curating a fun and stimulating environment for your dog is pretty simple.

For instance, you could provide your dog with different types of toys.

This can include balls, rope toys, chew toys, and even puzzle toys.

Not only will this add variety to your dog’s playtime, but it can also help to hone their problem-solving skills and keep them mentally stimulated.

You could also strive to spend more time outside with your dog, playing games with them and teaching them tricks.

Your dog will enjoy the one on one time with you, and as a little bonus, you’ll be able to monitor their behaviour around your plants too.

Keep Your Dog Full

An overeager appetite for plants can be a sign of a lack of proper nutrients.

Hence, it is important to take steps to ensure that your dog is getting the nutrition they need to stay healthy and prevent it from eating your sweet peas.

The first step to feeding your dog the right amount is to ensure that they are eating the right amount of food.

They shouldn’t be left hungry, nor should they be allowed to overeat.

It’s also imperative to provide a high-quality, balanced diet.

This means selecting a food that is rich in protein, fat, and carbohydrates and contains essential vitamins and minerals to help meet your dog’s daily nutritional needs.

If you’re stuck, you could consult with your vet to find a food that is specifically formulated for your dog’s age, size, and activity level.

Consistent feeding times and the establishment of a familiar routine should also help!

Other Suggestions When Keeping Sweet Peas Around Dogs

Seek Immediate Medical Support

If your dog has eaten your sweet pea plant, it is important to seek medical support right away.

This will ensure that your dog is quickly and properly treated, and will help to prevent any long-term complications or issues.

Rethink Your Garden/ Plant Purchases

If you have a dog, it’s worth carefully researching the plants that you’re interested in purchasing, as well as those that already exist in your garden.

The best way to keep your dog safe is to refrain from having poisonous plants in your garden altogether.