Why Are My Nerines Not Flowering?

I’ve been there, trust me. You’ve lovingly planted your nerines, tended to them with care, and eagerly anticipated their stunning blooms, only to be disappointed.

But try not to worry! I’ve faced this issue myself, and I’m here to help you solve the mystery of why your nerines aren’t flowering.

So, let’s dig into the root of the problem (pun absolutely intended) and figure out how to get those nerines blooming!

Nerines Flowering

Why Are My Nerines Not Flowering?

You Planted Them At The Wrong Time

Planting nerines at the wrong time can really throw them off.

Aim to plant them in late summer to early fall, which gives them a chance to settle in before winter and boosts their chances of blooming next year.

They Are Not Getting Enough Sunlight

Nerines are sun worshippers!

Ensure you’re giving them a spot with at least six hours of direct sunlight daily.

They might sulk and refuse to flower if they’re stuck in the shade.

The Bulbs Are Too Crowded

Nerines need their space like ours.

If your bulbs are too close together, they’ll compete for nutrients and may not have the energy to produce flowers.

Space them about 4-6 inches apart to give them room to grow and bloom.

You Are Overwatering Them

Nerines prefer well-draining soil and won’t be happy in wet, soggy conditions.

If you’re overwatering, it could lead to rot and hinder their ability to flower.

Water only when the soil feels dry to the touch.

They Are Not Getting Enough Nutrients

Just like us, nerines need a balanced diet to thrive.

Feed them with a slow-release fertilizer (like this from Amazon) in spring and again in fall to provide the nutrients they need for fabulous blooms.

How To Get Your Nerines To Flower

Alongside implementing the reverse of the above, i.e. giving your nerines sufficient sunglight, appropriate water, planting them at the right time, keeping them uncrowded, etc, you can try the following to ensure your nerines bloom:

Plant Them With Other Complimentary Flowers

Sometimes, nerines prefer to grow in the company of other plants.

Pair them with low-growing companions like hardy geraniums or ground covers like creeping thyme.

These companion plants can help improve soil structure and create a nurturing environment for your nerines.

Pay Attention To Soil PH

Nerines grow best in slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0.

Test your soil and, if necessary, amend it with lime to raise the pH or with sulfur to lower it.

A balanced pH ensures that your nerines have access to all the nutrients they need for blooming.

Prune Surrounding Vegetation

If your nerines are surrounded by taller plants, they might be fighting for sunlight.

Prune back any overgrown vegetation that could cast shade on your nerines to ensure they get the sunlight they crave.

Be Patient With Young Bulbs

If you’ve recently planted your nerines, they might need a little time to adjust to their new environment.

Young bulbs can take a year or two to establish themselves before they start blooming, so patience is key.

Try A Bloom Booster

If all else fails, you can give your nerines a helping hand with a high-phosphorus fertilizer, also known as a bloom booster.

This is the one I recommend from Amazon.

Apply this fertilizer according to the package instructions, taking care not to overfeed your nerines.

Other Tips And Suggestions When Growing Nerines

Here are a few extra tips to keep your nerines in tip-top shape:

  • Keep them cozy: In colder climates, nerines may need a little extra protection from the frost. Apply a layer of mulch in the fall to keep the soil warm and insulated.
  • Divide and conquer: Every few years, it’s a good idea to divide your nerine bulbs. This helps keep them healthy and vigorous, which can encourage flowering. Divide the bulbs in the fall, after the foliage has died back.
  • Deadhead spent blooms: Removing the spent flowers will encourage your nerines to focus their energy on producing more blooms instead of developing seed pods.

Should Nerines Flower Every Year?

Nerines should flower every year. 

However, we all know that gardening isn’t always smooth sailing. Sometimes, a newly planted nerine might take a year or two to settle into its new home before it starts blooming.

If your nerines have been planted for a while and still refuse to flower, don’t lose hope! 

Just review the tips above and make any necessary adjustments to their care. 

With a little patience and TLC, you’ll soon have a garden full of dazzling nerine blooms!