When To Plant Nerines

Are you seriously considering Nerines for your garden. Perhaps you’ve even already purchased the bulbs! But when do you need to plant them? When is optimal, and what do you need to think about, implement and take into consideration.

Well, you’ll be pleased you stopped by.

That’s exactly what I am going to be covering here today.

When To Plant Nerines

You’ll want to plant Nerine bulbs in late summer or early autumn, typically between August and October.

Timing is everything when it comes to planting Nerines. 

Planting Time Based on Variety

While most Nerine varieties should be planted in late summer or early autumn, some varieties may have specific planting requirements.

Be sure to check the information provided for your chosen variety to ensure optimal growth and flowering.

Here are the general guidelines for some popular Nerine varieties:

  • Nerine bowdenii: Plant between August and October to give the bulbs enough time to establish themselves before winter sets in.
  • Nerine sarniensis: Plant around August, ensuring the bulbs have plenty of time to develop a strong root system before the cold weather arrives.
  • Nerine undulata (formerly Nerine filamentosa): Plant in late summer, typically between August and September, to ensure a successful flowering season.

Climate Considerations

The best time to plant Nerines can also be influenced by the climate in your region.

In warmer climates, you may have a more extended planting window, whereas colder regions might require you to plant earlier within the recommended period.

Always take your local climate into account when deciding when to plant Nerine bulbs.

Soil Temperature

Nerines thrive in well-draining soil with a temperature of at least 60°F (16°C) during planting.

If your soil is colder than this, it’s best to wait until it warms up to ensure the bulbs can establish a healthy root system.

Preparing for Planting

Before you plant your Nerine bulbs, spend some time preparing the planting site.

Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil, and work in some compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil with essential nutrients.

Also, ensure that the planting area is free of weeds and any debris that could hinder bulb growth.

How deep should you plant Nerine bulbs?

Generally, you’ll want to plant your nerines about 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) deep in well-draining soil. 

Make sure to space them about 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) apart, so they have plenty of room to grow and flourish.

Tools for Planting Nerine Bulbs

There are several tools you can use to plant your Nerine bulbs at the appropriate depth. Here are some popular options:

  • Bulb planter: A bulb planter is a specialized tool designed specifically for planting bulbs. It has a cylindrical shape with a sharp edge that allows you to easily create holes in the soil at the desired depth. Many bulb planters also have measurements on the side to help you gauge the planting depth accurately.
  • Trowel: A garden trowel is a versatile tool that can be used to dig holes for planting Nerine bulbs. Look for a trowel with measurements on the blade to help you gauge the depth of your planting holes.
  • Garden fork or spade: In some cases, you may prefer to use a garden fork or spade to loosen the soil and create planting holes for your Nerine bulbs. This method can be useful when planting larger groups of bulbs or when working with tougher soil.

Technique for Planting Nerine Bulbs

Regardless of the tool you choose, follow these steps to ensure you plant your Nerine bulbs at the correct depth:

  • Create a planting hole: Use your chosen tool to dig a hole in the soil that is approximately 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) deep.
  • Position the bulb: Place the Nerine bulb in the hole with the pointed end facing upward. This ensures the bulb is oriented correctly for proper growth.
  • Fill in the hole: Gently fill the hole with soil, taking care not to damage the bulb. Press the soil down lightly to eliminate air pockets and ensure good contact between the bulb and the soil.
  • Water the bulbs: After planting, water the bulbs thoroughly to help settle the soil and encourage root growth.

Learn more: How To Plant Nerines

How to best care for your nerine bulbs

Taking care of your Nerine bulbs is essential for a healthy, vibrant display of blooms. Here are some tips to help you out:


Keep the soil moderately moist, but never waterlogged. Water your Nerines sparingly during the growing season, and let the soil dry out a bit between waterings.


Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

Winter care

In colder climates, apply a layer of mulch to protect the bulbs from frost. In milder climates, Nerines can be left in the ground year-round.

Pest and disease control

Keep an eye out for common pests and diseases that can affect Nerines, such as aphids, spider mites, and fungal infections.

Address any issues promptly to keep your plants healthy and happy.

Suggestions when planting nerine bulbs

Here are some extra tips to help you get the most out of your Nerine planting experience:

Choose a sunny spot

Nerines love the sun! Pick a location in your garden that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Soil preparation

Ensure your soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter.

You can add compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil quality.

Plant in groups

For the most striking display, plant your Nerines in groups or clusters.

This will create a fantastic visual impact when they burst into bloom.

Consider companion plants

Pair your Nerines with other late-season bloomers or evergreen plants to create a cohesive and eye-catching garden design.

Stagger planting times

To extend the blooming period, consider staggering your planting times by a few weeks.

This way, you’ll enjoy a continuous display of vibrant Nerine flowers.

Use pots or containers

If you’re short on garden space, Nerines can be successfully grown in pots or containers.

Ensure proper drainage and use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix.

Label your bulbs

Keep track of different Nerine varieties by labeling each planting area. This will help you monitor their progress and care for them accordingly.

Loosen the soil

Before planting, loosen the soil to a depth of about 6 inches (15 cm) to improve aeration and make it easier for the bulbs to establish roots.

Plant with the pointed end up

When planting Nerine bulbs, make sure the pointed end is facing upwards.

This ensures the bulbs are oriented correctly for proper growth.

Monitor for slugs and snails

Slugs and snails can sometimes be a problem for Nerines, especially in damp conditions.

Use organic methods or traps to control these pests and protect your plants.

What time of year do nerines flower?

Nerines typically bloom in late summer or autumn, depending on the specific variety. 

The specific time of year when Nerines flower varies depending on the variety you’re growing, as well as your local climate and growing conditions.

Nerine bowdenii

This popular variety typically flowers from September to November, adding vibrant pink or white blooms to your garden during the autumn months.

Nerine bowdenii is also known for its hardiness, making it a great choice for gardens in colder climates.

Nerine sarniensis

Also called the Guernsey Lily, Nerine sarniensis produces dazzling, jewel-toned flowers in shades of red, pink, and orange.

This variety often starts flowering in August and continues through October.

However, Nerine sarniensis is more tender than Nerine bowdenii, so it may require additional protection in colder regions.

Learn more: When Do Nerines Flower?

Nerine undulata (formerly Nerine filamentosa)

This delicate, white-flowered Nerine blooms from late summer to early autumn.

Its elegant, wavy petals and slender filaments make it a unique addition to any garden.

Nerine hybrids

There are numerous hybrid varieties available, each with its own distinctive flower colors and shapes.

These hybrids may bloom at different times during the late summer and autumn months.

Check the specific flowering period for the hybrids you choose to grow.

Remember that factors such as sunlight, soil quality, and temperature can impact the blooming time of your Nerines.

To ensure a successful flowering season, provide optimal growing conditions and follow proper care guidelines.


Planting and caring for Nerines can be a rewarding experience, resulting in a stunning late-season display of blooms in your garden. 

By following the guidelines for planting times, depths, and proper care, you’ll be well on your way to growing these captivating flowers.

And if you nerines are not flowering, then you’ve got things to take a look at and do!


What month do you plant Nerine bulbs?

Plant Nerine bulbs between August and October, during late summer or early autumn, for the best chance of successful growth and beautiful blooms.