Evergreen Lawn Feed Killed My Grass – Why & What To Do

If you recently applied Evergreen Lawn Feed to your grass, you may be bemused to find that it did more harm than good. But if your well-intentioned efforts resulted in the death of your grass, leaving you with a patchy yellow, or even brown lawn, try not to despair! It’s certainly an issue that can be fixed, and I’m here to help. Below, I’ve outlined a few plausible explanations for the demise of your lawn, as well as a bunch of useful revival and maintenance tips.

So, why did Evergreen Lawn Feed kill your grass? From fertilizer burn and the amount of Lawn Feed applied to the season, or even month of its application, there are several reasons why your Evergreen Lawn Feed wound up killing your grass. 

Read all about it below!

Why Did Evergreen Lawn Feed Kill Your Grass?

Too Much Was Used

First and foremost, applying the right amount of Lawn Feed to your grass is crucial.

If you’re too generous with your feeding, you risk evoking a case of fertilizer burn, which operates in the same manner as a drought. 

Essentially, the excess feed is entirely counterproductive and works by depleting the lawn’s root system of moisture.

Subsequently, the lawn will dry out, begin to yellow, and without sufficient intervention, it will ultimately die. 

Not Enough Was Used

It’s equally important not to underfeed your lawn.

Lawn Feed should be applied at least a couple of times a year, and when you do apply it, you shouldn’t skimp on the suggested proportions.

The reason is: a lack of nutrients will slow down your lawn’s growth and even weaken its roots.

Water Mismanagement

Additionally, it’s possible to cause fertilizer burn by failing to lock in the Lawn Feed with water or, similarly, by applying it at a suboptimal time of year, namely, during a drought period.

In dry conditions without sufficient watering, the Lawn Feed will struggle to soak into the soil and, instead, will sit atop the lawn and eventually burn the grass.

Hence, if you suspect that you won’t be able to keep your lawn wet enough by way of your manual efforts, you really ought to delay Lawn Feed application until wetter weather ensues. 

Can Grass Grow Back Once Dead?

Grass can grow back once dead. Two popular approaches to do so are via aerating or reseeding.

The sight of your dead lawn may have you feeling hopeless, but you’ll be pleased to know that reviving the dead grass is very much possible, and the process isn’t too complicated. 

From aerating to reseeding, there are several approaches that you can take to bring back your lush and thriving lawn. 

Both time and patience are admittedly key, but the outcome will surely be worth the wait. 

In the next section, we will explore each one.

How To Revive Dead Grass

Here are some handy tips to help you along the way!

Soil Work

If fertilizer burn has well and truly depleted your lawn and respective soil of nutrients, a good first step is to amend your soil in an effort to improve its overall quality.

This can be done in a number of ways, but one of the best ways to go about it is by adding compost to it.

The mixture of decomposing organic material, like leaves, grass clippings, and other plant matter, will, in effect, supercharge your soil, both helping to improve its texture as well as its ability to retain nutrients, water, and air.

It will also help keep your soil’s PH level balanced. Only when your soil is in good health can you expect the same from your lawn. 


Aerating your soil is another key component of the revival process.

Breaking up the hard compacted soil will allow water, fertilizer, and air to penetrate the soil and reach the roots of the grass, which has numerous positive effects.

To name a few, it will increase your lawn’s water retention, improve its drainage, and increase the amount of oxygen available to its roots.

With more nutrients and more air, you’ll boost the health of your garden and reap the myriad benefits! 


If your lawn is severely damaged, you may want to consider reseeding it as opposed to entirely re-turfing it.

Best carried out during the Autumn and Winter months when there is a higher chance of rain, the approach is relatively straightforward.

You’ll first need to scarify your lawn to remove any thatch and dead grass, thereby priming the surface as best as possible.

Aerating it will help with this too.

Once the surface is ready, go ahead and dispense your seeds either by hand or mechanically, depending on the size of the area that you’re working with.

Finally, topsoil the area and try to remember that reseeding your lawn is a long-term project – you won’t see any results for several months, so be prepared to be patient!

Ongoing Maintenance

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So whether you’ve worked to revive your grass or you’re taking efforts to prevent that very need from arising in the first place, be sure to include the following lawn care practices in your overall regime. 

First, mow your lawn as often as necessary.

When you mow your lawn, you’re removing excess grass and keeping it at a manageable length.

Most grasses need to be mowed around once a month. 

Second, weed control.

Weeds will take nutrients and water away from your lawn, so it’s important to keep them under control.

You can do this manually or by using a weed killer.

Remember to read the instructions on the weed killer you choose to make sure you’re using it correctly, and ideally, opt for an organic product. 

Frequent watering and periodic fertilizing are also key to keeping your lawn as green and healthy as can be.

The general rule of thumb is to water your grass whenever it becomes dry and to fertilize it around twice a year – once during Spring and once during Autumn. 

Finally, it could be a good idea to test your soil.

Only when you understand what type of soil you have in your lawn can you truly maintain it in the long run. 

How To Use Evergreen Lawn Feed Effectively In The Future

Evergreen Lawn Feed is designed to provide your lawn with all the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and look its best.

It helps to keep your lawn green and thick while also helping to reduce weeds and improve soil structure.

In other words, it has plenty of potential. 

Optimize Application Technique

However, for it to be effective rather than damaging, it’s important to get the application technique right.

Thus, first and foremost, be sure not to overfeed your lawn or to underfeed it.

For optimal proportions, it’s best to adhere to the product’s instructions. 

Additionally, be mindful of the weather forecast.

Apply At The Right Time

The last thing you want to do is apply the Lawn Feed in the middle of a drought. Instead, hold out for wet weather. 

Finally, it’s worth noting that the Evergreen Lawn Feed will only be at its most effective when its application is coupled with a solid lawn care regime.

That means scarifying your lawn annually, aerating it every year or two (or three), and watering it regularly too. 

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