Miracle Grow Killed My Grass – Why & What To Do

Miracle Grow has been around for decades, and it’s one of the most popular lawn care products on the market. But despite it being a product that’s supposed to make your grass better, it has been known to sometimes have an adverse and rather problematic effect – even killing grass. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem experienced by many homeowners and gardeners, and one that is extremely frustrating given all of the time and effort that we put into maintaining our beloved lawns. 

So why did Miracle Grow kill my grass? Miracle Grow may have killed your grass due to incorrect proportions, application at a suboptimal time of year, or you might have even overwatered your lawn. 

Fortunately, no matter what the cause, it’s likely that you’ll be able to revive your grass, as well as adopt a more effective technique moving forward. 

In this article, I will explore the reasons why Miracle Grow can wind up killing your grass, how to restore it, and how to avoid it from happening again in the future.

Why Did Miracle Grow Kill Your Grass?


Miracle Grow contains a plethora of useful nutrients that are intended to help your grass grow to its utmost luscious state.

One of these ingredients is nitrogen. Whilst nitrogen is widely regarded as the most important nutrient for grass, too much of it can be detrimental, causing both your soil to dry out as well as fertilizer burn.

As a result, your grass will begin to struggle, as exhibited by the emergence of yellow and brown patches across it.  


If you accidentally applied too much Miracle Grow to your lawn, it’s great that you’re aware and thus able to intervene accordingly.

In such a case, the recommended course of action to take is to water your lawn in an attempt to dilute and, essentially, flush out the Miracle Grow.

However, here’s where you have to be careful. If you overwater your grass, you risk suffocating it and evoking root rot.

Subsequently, your grass will begin to die. 

Time of Application 

Timing is everything, and the application of Miracle Grow is no exception.

The growing season for most grasses occurs between April and October.

During the rest of the year, it is considered dormant, and many of its functions slow or stop completely due to low temperatures, lack of sunlight, or both.

During the dormant months, the lawn does not actively take up nutrients from the soil, making fertilization less effective.

As a result, it can wind up burning, and ultimately killing, your grass and its roots.  

Can Grass Grow Back Once Killed by Miracle Grow?

Fortunately, it is very much possible to restore your grass back to its former glory, if not an even healthier state, if Miracle Grow killed your grass.

However, it’s worth noting that it isn’t always the easiest task, and you’ll need to exercise considerable patience and consistency throughout the process.

Below, I’ve shared all things revival best practices! 

How To Restore Grass Killed by Miracle Grow

If you have a Miracle Grow mishap on your hands, worry not! With a little time, the below tips will have your grass looking as lush and healthy as can be.

Soil Testing 

If you want to know what caused the demise of your lawn, you might want to consider investigating the health of your soil.

In doing so, you’ll learn about the pH and nutrient levels of your soil, and you’ll also become well-placed to rule out certain causes.

Perhaps best of all, soil testing is easy to do and won’t cost you a dime.


Aeration is considered one of the most effective ways that you can care for your lawn.

It’s a procedure through which you essentially punch holes through the soil to reduce its compact nature and allow water, air, and nutrients to flow more freely and help your grass to thrive once again. 


Next, in the case of severe damage that is seemingly beyond repair, you might want to consider overseeding your lawn.

This basically means that you’ll be planting seeds in the existing grass to override the dead patches.

The new seeds will germinate and grow, and you’ll have a thicker lawn in just a few months. 


If your lawn is suffering from fertilizer burn, it’s most likely entirely dried out and in need of far more water than you’re currently providing.

Thus, be sure to water your lawn evenly to replenish both your soil and lawn. But remember not to overwater!  

Maintaining Your Lawn

Finally, it’s important that you endeavor to maintain your lawn as best as possible, both when your grass is thriving, as well as when it’s not doing so well.

Arguably the most important step in lawn maintenance is mowing.

To maintain a healthy lawn, it’s important to mow regularly, ensure that the blade is nice and sharp and that you keep the grass at the height of two to three inches so that it can withstand drought, heat, and other environmental factors. 

Weed control is also essential for lawn maintenance. Not only are weeds an aesthetic nuisance, but they also compete with your grass for resources and can often outcompete it, in turn leading to a patchy and uneven lawn.

Thus, it’s important to remove them regularly, and you can do so by applying a herbicide or pulling them out of the ground yourself. 

It’s also fundamental that you regularly water and fertilize your lawn. Watering is essential for any lawn.

Without adequate amounts, you risk your grass becoming weak, dry, and brittle. It is also vital to ensure that the water is evenly spread across the lawn so that all areas of grass are well-hydrated.

Fertilizing is also important for keeping a lawn healthy.

Providing it with essential nutrients helps to keep it healthy and strong and prevent it from becoming yellow and patchy. 

How To Use Miracle Grow Feed More Effectively in the Future

Miracle Grow is one of the most popular lawn care products on the market, and for a good reason.

With the right application techniques, it can turn any patchy, weed-filled lawn into a lush, beautiful outdoor space.

However, the proper application techniques are key! As follows: 

Lawn Preparation 

Before you start applying Miracle Grow to your lawn, you need to make sure that it’s ready to receive the treatment.

That is that it should be free of pests and diseases first.

If your lawn is already in poor condition, Miracle Grow could do more harm than good. Don’t risk it! 


Using the right amount of Miracle Grow is fundamental.

Too much of it will overwhelm your lawn, leaving it over-fertilized and unhealthy.

The right amount of it should be enough to give your lawn the nutrients and minerals it needs without causing any harm. 


It’s also important to water your lawn after applying Miracle Grow.

This will ensure that it absorbs into the soil, thereby enabling the nutrients and minerals to reach the roots of your grass. 

Timing Is Key 

Again, it’s best not to apply Miracle Grow when your grass is in a dormant stage.

Rather, the best time of year to apply Miracle Grow to your lawn is right before the growing season begins.

This can vary based on your location but typically falls between late spring and early summer.

This way, your lawn will start the growing season off right and look lush and green all summer long. 

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