Is Mandevilla Evergreen?

If you already have a Mandevilla, or perhaps if you’re thinking about getting one for your garden, you may be wondering if it’s an evergreen plant. 

Well, I’ve covered it below! Not only have I detailed the evergreen status of Mandevillas, but I’ve also highlighted the care and maintenance that they need.

So, is Mandevilla evergreen? Mandevilla is evergreen if it is well taken care of and kept in optimal conditions to thrive. However, suboptimal conditions or care may result in a Mandevilla perishing. 

Read on for more information. 

Does Mandevilla Come Back Every Year?

Interestingly, Mandevilla may or may not come back every year. Depending on the climate, Mandevilla can be treated as both a perennial and an annual. 

In tropical and subtropical regions, it can be grown outdoors year-round as a perennial. In cold climates, however, it tends to exist as more of an annual. 

On the plus side, this means that with the right conditions and care, you can enjoy the beauty of your Mandevilla year after year! 

Can A Mandevilla Survive Winter?

The Mandevilla is a tropical plant and, as such, is not used to cold temperatures. This means that, generally speaking, it can’t survive the winter seasons in areas with freezing temperatures. 

But there is hope! 

By taking steps to keep your Mandevilla warm during the winter and as healthy as it can be all year round, you’ll increase the chances of it existing as an evergreen even in the face of cooler temperatures. 

It all boils down to the right conditions and level of care. 

Benefits Of The Mandevilla As An Evergreen Plant 

Environmental Benefits

I’ll begin by looking at the benefits on a holistic level.

That is the positive impact of an evergreen Mandevilla on the overall environment. The truth is, their benefit to our planet is absolutely invaluable. 

Evergreen plants effectively provide a habitat for a wide variety of wildlife, but they also serve as natural air filters by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Plus, they can even act as a natural windbreak for other plants!

Year-Round Interest in the Garden

Of course, the benefits of evergreen Mandevillas extend beyond their environmental impact.

From an aesthetic perspective, they bring color and life to an otherwise dull space, in turn making your garden more inviting and comfortable all year round. 

Increased Privacy and Screening

Vines can be a great way to give you the level of privacy that you desire.

Whether you want to shield yourself from prying eyes or just want to create a sense of seclusion in your backyard, if your Mandevilla vine is evergreen, you’ll have the fortune of year-round, rather than seasonal, privacy. 

Low Maintenance Requirements

Finally, evergreen Mandevilla vines may require upkeep, but as you’ll soon discover, the required care routine is certainly not too complicated!

Plus, they’re hardy and can easily be pruned to keep them at the desired height too. 

Caring For Your Mandevilla To Maintain Its Evergreen Status

Good news! Achieving an evergreen status for your Mandevilla is very much doable. Here’s the formula to success: 

Soil and Watering Requirements

The optimal soil conditions for your Mandevilla are moist well, drained soil. The soil should be damp, but by no means should it be soggy. 

To maintain the moderate moist environment that it requires, it is recommended that you water the plant at least once a week.

You can also mist the leaves of your Mandevilla to help increase the humidity of the air around the plant.

However, be careful not to overdo the watering. Too much may open your plant up to a case of root rot and subsequent pest invasions! 


If you want to grow a larger and more healthy Mandevilla, it’s worth getting into the swing of applying fertilizer to it every couple of weeks during its prime growing season and every couple of months during the cooler months.

Doing so will give it the nutrients that it needs to grow well, as well as the energy for it to become as resilient as it can be during the trialing winter months.

 For best results, be sure to use a balanced, general-purpose fertilizer. 

Pruning and Shaping

Pruning is a practice that entails removing dead parts of a plant to make way for new healthy growth. 

By pruning your Mandevilla, your plant will retain a focus on growth and health, which will only serve to help it during the winter months. 

The best time to prune is well before the first frost of winter – this way, you’ll avoid the risk of frost damage to new shoots, and any pruning scars will be conveniently concealed by new growth.

Winter Care

Finally, if you live in a region that experiences harsh cold winters, if you wish to see your Mandevilla green all year round, you’ll need to take extra care to keep it happy and warm. 

Some choose to do this by bringing their beauty indoors where the temperature is better controlled.

Others are reluctant to relocate it, instead opting to cover the plant with the likes of sheets and blankets.

Mulching Mandevilla during winter also helps to insulate the plant’s delicate roots, which can be especially susceptible to frost.

It also helps to retain moisture in the soil and protect the plant from harsh winds. Just be sure to use the right type of mulch.

Inorganic mulches should be avoided. Instead, opt for mulches such as wood chips, shredded bark, or composed leaves. 

Finally, remember to routinely check your Mandevilla for pests.

The likes of aphids, scale, and mealybugs can cause issues for your Mandevilla, so if you find them, make sure to instigate damage control as soon as you can. 

Related Questions

Where is the best place to plant a Mandevilla?

The best place to plant a Mandevilla is in full or partial sun, out of cold or harsh breezes. Mandevilla can be grown either in hanging baskets or a container in the ground.

Do mandevillas lose their leaves in winter?

Mandevillas can lose their leaves in winter if they are not kept in optimal conditions. You may notice that leaves turn yellow and drop off, especially near the base of the plant,

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