Why Is My Mandevilla Dying? – Why & What To Do

If you’ve decided on a Mandevilla for your garden, you know how beautiful and vibrant these plants can be. But it is disheartening when a Mandevilla starts to wither and die. Why can this happen, and is, is there anything you can do to stop it and reverse it? That’s what we will be exploring here today. 

So, why is my Mandevilla dying? Your Mandevilla could be dying due to the amount of sunlight it’s receiving, its hydration levels, the nature of its soil, or as a result of a pest invasion. 

Thankfully with the right knowledge and care, you can save your Mandevilla and keep it looking its best. 

In this article, I’ve outlined the steps you can take to revive it, from diagnosing the problem to providing it with the necessary care. 

With some effort and dedication, you can bring your Mandevilla back to life and enjoy its beauty for many years to come!

Why Is My Mandevilla Dying?

Insufficient Sunlight

If your Mandevilla appears to be struggling, one of the first steps that you ought to take is to evaluate the amount of sunlight that it is receiving.

If it’s not getting enough of it, it will begin to wilt and even discolor.

However, in the rare case that it’s getting too much sunlight, it may well begin to scorch and burn.

You have to find the happy medium, and it’s worth noting that Mandevillas thrive when they get 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight a day. 

Improper Drainage 

Mandevillas prefer well-draining soil. Such conditions enable it to absorb water quickly and efficiently.

If the soil is poorly drained, the plants will not be able to absorb nutrients and water, which can lead to myriad health problems. It’s also important to keep your soil moist but not soggy.

Too much moisture can lead to root rot, amongst other problems. 


Underwatering your Mandevilla is a problem that extends far beyond a mere matter of aesthetics.

In fact, an inadequate supply of water can actually kill it! Without water and, subsequently, the nutrients that it needs, your Mandevilla will wilt, become weak, and without timely intervention, it will ultimately die.

After all, whilst too much of it can be harmful, there’s no debate that water is an essential component of life. 

Insufficient Nutrients 

If your plant is not getting the nutrients it needs, it will quickly become a much weaker version of itself.

Without a well-rounded intake of useful nutrients, such as the all-important nitrogen and phosphorus, it simply won’t bloom to its full potential as it will as becoming brittle and even begin to break. 

Pest Invasions 

Finally, if your Mandevilla appears to be dying, you may have a pest invasion on your hands.

Whilst Mandevillas are fortunately of little interest to animals such as deer and rats, they are very much a desired prey for the likes of caterpillars, spider mites, and aphids.

These insects may be small, but they’re a force not to be underestimated. When they’re present in high numbers, they’ll wreak havoc on your Mandevilla by sucking its nutritional cell sap right out of it, and in the case of caterpillars, by simultaneously tunneling through and munching on its leaves.

In both cases, your Mandevilla will become depleted of energy and begin suffering. 

How Do You Revive A Mandevilla?

Pest Removal 

First and foremost, you’ll want to remove any pests that are present on your Mandevilla.

Most gardeners recommend using a hose pipe to knock off the aphids. They won’t be able to resist the powerful water stream, and they’ll be gone in no time.

However, in the case of caterpillars, you may want to adopt a different strategy.

Applying neem oil to your Mandevilla will suffocate them, and traditional pesticides have also long proven to effectively terminate them too.

Take your pick, and of course, try to opt for products that won’t harm your Mandevilla, your surrounding plant life, and, more holistically speaking, the environment. 

Proper Watering 

Second, it’s time to check in on your watering routine. Your Mandevilla only needs watering once or twice a week.

Any more than this, and the excess water threatens to harm it by potentially causing its roots to rot as a result of waterlogged soil.

However, any less than this, your Mandevilla may just become too dry to survive.

To keep things simple, the general rule of thumb is to water it when the top inch or so of the soil is dry to the touch.

If it’s damp, refrain from providing it with extra moisture. 

Provide Adequate Light 

If your Mandevilla is not getting enough sunlight, you’ll need to relocate it for optimal results. If you can’t find a location with suitable direct sunlight, you could settle for an area with partial shade – it’s likely that your Mandevilla will still manage to thrive.

And if you’re simply not around to observe just how your Mandevilla is getting on, you might want to adopt a light meter to help you out. 

Apply A Fertiliser

As mentioned above, when Mandevillas don’t get enough nutrients, they struggle profusely.

You can rectify this, or better yet, prevent it, by applying fertilizer to it. It’s best to do so during the plant’s growing season, which begins in Spring each year.

By ensuring that it has access to food as soon as it starts to emerge, its growth will be off to the best possible start, making it much more likely that it will bloom beautifully. 

Other Suggestions To Keep Your Mandevilla Healthy


Aeration, i.e., the process of punching holes into your soil with the help of a rake or an aerator itself, is only beneficial. It enables the water and fertilizer that you’re feeding your Mandevilla to access its roots with ease, as well as for sufficient air to reach them too.

These are the three components that are vital to your Mandevilla living a healthy life, as well as improving the drainage of your soil. 


Cutting back your Mandevilla is a crucial step in ensuring that it remains in tip-top shape. Its vines grow at a fairly quick rate, so by pruning them, you’ll only be improving the aesthetic of the plant rather than detracting from its overall look.

The best time to prune your Mandevilla is just prior to the start of the growing season, just in time to pave the way for newer growth to come through with ease! 

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